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Collagen & Anti-Aging: The Secret Is Hidden in a Protein Shake

Collagen & Anti-Aging: The Secret Is Hidden in a Protein Shake

If you’re over twenty-five years old, you’ve probably done some research about how to maintain your skin younger and slow down the aging process. And you might have noticed that when it comes to anti-aging, the buzzword “collagen” prevails the most. So, why do all the skincare and nutrition products rave about collagen? Is it really the answer for that glowing and elastic skin? Let’s dig deeper to discover more about this protein, and how it may help you stay young and beautiful. Aging and Collagen Production Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. It consists of four fundamental amino acids: Proline, Glycine, Arginine, and Hydroxyproline. In fact, almost 70% of your skin is made up of collagen. That’s why it’s so vital in your anti-aging efforts. Since this connective protein consists mostly of non-essential amino acids, your body can produce then on its own if your diet is full of them. Yet, with age, this process becomes only slower. “The production of collagen is continuous, throughout our lifetime. In our 20’s production will slow down and that causes the skin to thin and wrinkles to appear. Illness, genetics, diet, emotions and environmental exposure can influence collagen loss.”Tsao-Lin E. Moy, L.Ac., MSOM, Integrative Healing Arts What age do you start losing collagen? Collagen production, aka collagen synthesis, decreases as early as your early twenties. It’s the main reason why you start noticing wrinkles on your skin, and why it becomes duller. That’s when high-quality collagen hydrolyzate comes in handy in your anti-aging diet. You can find it in powder and add it to your favourite protein shakes every morning. “ Collagen fibres break down or no longer regenerate, and lead to a “deflation” effect on the surface of the skin. After 30, our collagen levels start to drop by 1.5% per year. Research indicates that by the age of 40, the body’s ability to produce collagen decreases by 25%. By age 60, it has decreased by over 50%. Collagen contains different proteins that serve separate purposes within the body.”Trey Triplette, Certified Performance Nutritionist, 3natural Bionutrition® Collagen protein supplementation may help you keep your skin more elastic, hydrated, and reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles.  What age should I take collagen? At the age of 21, your body’s collagen production declines, and the existing collagen starts breaking down. Just to compare, at the age of 60, your collagen levels will be twice as low as opposed to when you’re twenty-one years old. “Collagen is worth taking at any age really. Although you start losing it around 21 years old, and the benefits become more pronounced after 40, children naturally need more of it to support their growth. So you can take it later in life to make up for collagen loss, but taking it earlier in life to hedge against collagen loss later in life is also perfectly valid.”John Fawkes, Certified Nutrition Coach & Trainer at The Unwinder Collagen protein supplementation may help you keep your skin more elastic, hydrated, and reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles. It can also contribute to suppressing skin sun damage and photoaging. Can Collagen Reverse Aging? “The short answer to this is no. It cannot reverse aging, but studies show it can improve skin elasticity. It will not reverse wrinkles that you already have, as some people seem to think.”CJ Mallonee, MS Of course, no miracle cure can help you stop the aging process. Yet, there’re a few things you can do to slow down this process. Mainly, it’s all about maintaining a healthy balanced diet and having an active lifestyle. Introducing collagen into your diet can help you: Enhance skin elasticityCollagen improves skin’s resilience and hydrates it. According to this study, 91% of participants stated that they experienced fewer problems with dry skin after regular collagen supplementation. Reduce the appearance of wrinklesBeing one of the main proteins in our body, collagen is known for contributing to a younger and healthier look. Consuming enough collagen through supplementation may help you reduce the depths of wrinkles and their amount. Decrease cellulite and stretch marksEven though it’s nearly impossible to get rid of natural stretch marks and cellulite, collagen supplementation can help you reduce their appearance. It can boost skin’s thickness, longevity, and make it look naturally smooth, healthy, and radiant. The Best Collagen for Anti-Aging and How to Use It “Studies show that collagen can improve skin elasticity and bone density. Make sure to get collagen that is hydrolysed, as it is more easily absorbed by your body.”CJ Mallonee, MS If you’re looking for something to start with, Hydrolyzed Collagen and Beauty Collagen may be good additions to your diet.  Our favourite way of consuming this superfood is adding collagen powder into a protein shake. Just mix a daily amount of collagen (1-2 scoops), and you’re already halfway through towards maintaining healthy and youthful skin for longer. “2018 study concluded that marine sourced collagen (type 2 collagen) might have the ability to reduce signs of aging by providing a protective role in the skin by improving the activity of antioxidants. There are at least 16 types of collagen, but it's estimated that 80 – 90 percent of the collagen in the body consists of types I, II, and III. Type II collagen has been shown to have the highest bioavailability (absorption) when ingested orally. With that being said, it’s able to be absorbed in a much higher rate than other collagens and will host the most benefits when it comes to our skin. Many type II collagens have been formulated into powders that one would mix with their drink of choice, the recommended dose is 11 grams per day.” Loren Richter, CEO/Founder at BlueBiology Here’s, for example, a delicious recipe of a Collagen Shake for all the coffee lovers out there: Ingredients: 1 cup cold brewed coffee 1 cup almond milk 1 ripe banana 2 tablespoons of Peptipro Collagen Hydrolysate powder 1-2 teaspoons of ground flax meal 1 teaspoon of raw honey 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder Ice cubes to serve (optional) Cacao powder or nibs to sprinkle (optional) Method: Place all the ingredients in a blender and blitz for a few seconds until smooth and creamy. Pour into a glass over ice cubes and sprinkle with cacao nibs or powder. The coffee will naturally separate to the bottom if not drunk immediately. Stir to incorporate and enjoy! Plus, you can come up with so many variations of a protein shake that you’ll never get bored with your collagen routine. The Bottom Line As much as we want to stay young for as long as possible, it’s not how our bodies work. However, even if no magic can help us stay forever young, we can still maintain healthy and glowing skin. Always remember to consult your health care professional before introducing new items into your diet.  * This article is for general information only and not intended to cure, diagnose or treat or recommend anything.

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Collagen & Beauty: A Pairing You’ll Love

Collagen & Beauty: A Pairing You’ll Love

The word “collagen” has been travelling around the internet for quite a while. Apart from being a widely-used buzzword in the beauty and lifestyle industry, collagen does play a critical role in your health and aesthetics. Our bodies naturally produce collagen; however, with age, this process slows down. Consequently, the need for this type of protein grows. That’s when collagen supplements may come in handy.  Today, we’re taking a more in-depth look at how exactly collagen works, its effects on your skin, hair, nails, and whether it can be your loyal friend in the anti-aging battle.  What is Beauty Collagen? Collagen is the most prevalent protein in the human body as it accounts for 75-80% of all protein in it. It helps your skin stay radiant, elastic, and strong. It also contributes to maintaining your hair, dental, joint, skeletal, and muscular health.  This type of protein is usually found in the dermis, aka the middle layer of your skin. It boosts the growth of new skin cells to replace the dead skin cells and enable faster skin cell turnover. The best thing about it is that it’s re-absorbable. It means that collagen can be broken down and used to promote your body's natural collagen production processes.  Here’s what might cause your body to produce less collagen: Low vitamin C intake: This vitamin is required to produce collagen. Smoking: Tobacco smoke contains chemicals that might damage elastin and collagen in the skin. Sun: The UV rays can cause wrinkles, pigmentation, and dull skin.  Sugar: High blood sugar can contribute to creating specific molecules that can ruin collagen proteins. Pollution: Exposure to environmental pollutants can create free radicals that negatively affect collagen by advancing protein oxidation. “Collagen is the most abundant protein source in your body and is a major component for the health of your skin, hair and nails, Collagen plays a vital role in keeping our skin elastic, hydrated, strong, and youthful. As we age, we naturally produce less collagen which leads to wrinkles and saggy skin, however including collagen in your diet, helps to improve the health of your skin, reversing or delaying the aging process.” Allison Thibault MS, RDN, LDN, CDN, Founder of VivaTotalHealth Does Beauty Collagen Work? Before you start experimenting with all the possible collagen beauty supplements and skincare products, you should know what will work best for you, and if it’ll work at all.  Here are some interesting studies we came across: The first study showed that after 12 weeks of intaking collagen peptide supplements, 70 participants (women aged 40 to 60) had fewer wrinkles, more elastic and better-hydrated skin.  Another study concluded that women who drank daily collagen drinks during the 12 weeks showed improvements in wrinkle depth and skin hydration.  Also, one more study suggested that the intake of collagen peptides help your body stimulate natural collagen production. Of course, there’s a lot of room for research when it comes to the use of beauty collagen supplements and their impact on your physical health, the studies mentioned above prove that there’s hope.  “Not only is collagen beneficial for our bone and skin health, but collagen also plays a role in our pelvic and digestive health. Collagen supplements can also renew and revitalize the way you look and feel. It can even cause wrinkles and other fine lines to minimize, as well as help prevent new ones from forming. A lot of my patients who supplement with collagen say they see their nails growing stronger and their hair growing in thicker and longer than ever before. Some have even reported that after supplementing collagen into their diet for about four to five months, they have seen a decrease in scars and scar tissue visibility.” Dr Anna Cabeca  So, while scientists work on coming to a final verdict, don’t hesitate to introduce collagen into your diet and analyze the results yourself. Just remember that all bodies are different, and what could have made your friend’s nails stronger and skin smoother, might not necessarily work for you. Plus, it’s always better to consult with your health care professional before opting for any supplements in general. Collagen Beauty Benefits Can’t wait to get the dose of a collagen beauty boost? First, let’s see how your skin, hair, and nails can benefit from it.  “Collagen is responsible for your skin’s firmness; the ability to bounce back. It will bring back your youthful glow while diminishing fine lines and dark circles. Your hair will once again have a healthy shine while your nails will grow strong as ever.” Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND. Collagen Benefits for Skin Since the skin is the biggest organ, you probably want to keep it as smooth and plump as possible. Three proteins, keratin, collagen, and elastin, are responsible for your skin’s structure and strength. So, let’s see what the benefits of collagen for the skin you can leverage to reach that goal.  Collagen can make your skin firmer and more elastic. Higher levels of collagen make your skin look more supple and reduce visible signs of aging. It can increase your skin’s hydration levels. Beauty collagen can help you reduce wrinkles and skin sagging.  “Did you know studies prove collagen protein slows and reverses the signs of skin aging? These studies have shown adding collagen to your diet has the power to: - Repair skin while you sleep - Restore elasticity - Hydrate your skin - Get rid of sunspots, fine lines, and wrinkles - Heal eczema, acne, and other skin irritations In one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, for example, women between the ages of 45 and 65 received either a collagen peptide supplement or a placebo for eight weeks. The results were nothing short of astonishing. At the end of the eight-week treatment period, the group taking collagen experienced an average 20.1% reduction in eye wrinkles when compared to the placebo group—and the maximum reduction observed was 49.9%! Four weeks after the treatment stopped, the collagen group still showed an average 11.5% reduction in wrinkles. In addition, at the end of the study, the researchers detected a 65% increase in procollagen (a building block of collagen) and an 18% increase in elastin. These are amazing results—better than anything you’ll get from even the most expensive wrinkle creams on the market. And they prove that adding collagen to your diet is a powerful way to get the younger, smoother skin you want.” Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND. Collagen Benefits for Hair Dreaming of that silky and flawless hair? Good news is, you can have. Here’re some benefits of collagen supplements for hair that can make it strong and beautiful at the same time.  “Your hair is primarily made up of keratin. Keratin is made up of a variety of amino acids, some of which can be found in collagen. With this in mind, collagen benefits hair by enhancing optimal keratin production for overall hair health. When keratin is being adequately produced it promotes hair growth and stronger hair follicles.” Adina Mahalli, Hair and Skincare Expert at Maple Holistics Collagen is potentially good for hair growth since it produces amino acids that can be beneficial for building keratin (a protein that your hair is made up of.) Beauty collagen can prevent your hair from becoming thin and breaking. Collagen for hair strengthens your dermis (a skin layer that contains the root of a hair follicle), maintains it healthy, and helps prevent age-related hair loss. Collagen can contribute to saving hair roots from damage. It provides antioxidants to fight free radicals and keep your hair healthy. Afraid of grey hairs? Again, thanks to its antioxidants, beauty collagen can protect your skin cells and prevent greying. Collagen Benefits for Nails The nail bed mainly consists of keratin and collagen proteins. So, is collagen good for nails? Let’s take a  look at what it can do to make your nails better. Beauty collagen is high in the amino acid called arginine that can contribute to nail growth. Collagen protein powder can prevent your nail from chipping/cracking and strengthen them. Collagen stimulates fibroblast cells (typical cells of connective tissue) and, as a result, boosts nail collagen metabolism from the inside. Although there’s no universal agreement on how to measure the effectiveness of collagen supplements, some studies have shown that collagen may have a few benefits for your hair, skin, and nails. 

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seasonal skin care tips gelatin australia

Seasonal Skin Care Tips

When you transition into a new season, changing your wardrobe isn’t the only thing you should be taking care of. Your skincare routine depends on weather no less than your choice of clothes. And if you want to avoid various weather change skin challenges, you need to choose a proper skincare regimen every winter, spring, summer, and autumn.  With the winter kicking in, we decided to share a few seasonal skin care tips to help you keep your skin healthy and radiant no matter the weather. Read on to discover our tops picks.  Why Is Seasonal Skin Care Important? What works for your skin in summer, might not work for it in winter, and vice versa. The weather change comes with different humidity levels. It means that in summer and spring the air is much hotter and humid, so your skin might be more oily and prone to breakouts. Whereas in autumn and winter, the air is drier, so your skin tends to be more dehydrated too. This obviously also depends on where you live, so keep that in mind. “Different seasons affect our skin because of the humidity, dryness, and change in temperature that the weather brings. You’ll notice your skin drying out during the winter, or your skin being more greasy and sweaty during the summertime.   Some tips to combat this is to stick to a skin regime. This means washing your face every night and morning, using a cleanser, and applying lotion if needed. Supplementing some vitamin D is great for your skin too!   Another random tip that has been helping my patients with cystic acne is to watch how long your showers are as well as the temperature you’re using. If you take long, hot showers, you might be damaging your skin.”   Dr Robert Karsch of AICA Seasonal Skin Care Guide Autumn Skin Care: You’d want to use products that won’t dry your skin and help it rejuvenate after a hot and humid summer season.  Winter Skin Care: Switch to more nourishing and gentle products that would help your skin survive cold temperatures and keep it well-hydrated. Spring Skin Care: You’d want to focus on products that can help you restore your skin’s radiance and get rid of dullness after a harsh winter.  Summer Skin Care: Focus on skincare products that can help your skin stay clean and matte. You’d also want to choose lightweight moisturizers to avoid oil buildup and acne.  “SPRING & SUMMER   The vitamins you should have on hand (with the approval of a healthcare professional) are:   Vitamin C enhances the production of collagen and is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E rids the body of impurities but most importantly protects from sun damage. Vitamin A helps the skin repair from sun damage and reduces the risk of skin cancers. AUTUMN & WINTER   These vitamins should be used during the cooler months (with the approval of a healthcare provider):   Vitamin B may prevent a vitamin B deficiency that causes flaky, dry skin and lips. Vitamin D helps in the prevention of premature aging, helps heal your dry skin this time of year. Omega 3 helps retain moisture and healthy oils, keeping you hydrated during the colder weather.” Stephanie Ivonne, Licensed Esthetician, Smart Style Today Top 7 Skin Care Tips for All Seasons If you want your skin to survive heat and cold without severe damages, you’ll need to stick to a specific regimen that suits your skin the best. Here are some seasonal skin care tips that may help you keep your skin flawless any time of the year. “Tips for seasonal skincare are going to be dependant on the individual. You must first observe the changes that your skin goes through during the seasons. Once you have observed the issues and changes in your skin, you can build a routine around the seasons. Generally, the air in the winter holds less water, which leads most people to have dry skin. To alleviate this, you will want to use a more gentle cleanser.   Exfoliating is great for removing dry, dead skin cells, but too much of this during any season can irritate the skin, especially during the winter when skin may be more sensitive. Using a moisturiser with humectants and occlusives is best. Occlusives help to create a film over the skin to hold the moisture in, and humectants (hyaluronic acid is an example of one) help to attract water to the skin.”   Vanessa Thomas, Cosmetic Chemist & Founder of Freelance Formulations 1. Cleanse Regularly Cleansing should be one of the key steps of your skincare routine. A cleanser can help you get rid of extra oil, grease, and bacteria stuck on your face and body. Yet, your choice of cleanser will depend on the time of the year. Once autumn/winter comes, you’d want to choose a more creamy and hydrating cleansing formula for your skin. However, when you transition towards spring/summer, it’s time to go for a lighter cleanser in the form of a gel or foam.  2. Remember to Hydrate “Hydrate with water – half your body weight in ounces and good fats such as avocado, raw nuts such as pecans and almonds, raw oils such as olive or sesame keep the skin moist and diminish wrinkles from within. Sleeping 8 hours is a beauty secret!”   Renee Ascencio, CEO, Natural Healing Center Drinking a few litres of water per day helps your body stay hydrated as well as makes your skin look healthier. However, if you wish to give your skin an extra hydration boost, you might want to consider serums.  When you’re shopping for a hydrating serum, look for such ingredients as ceramides and hyaluronic acid. They can become your number one skincare friends, especially during the colder months.  P.S. It’s better to apply serums before lotions and heavier creams.  3. Always Moisturise Whether it’s a hot summer day or freezing winter morning, you need to moisturise your skin in both cases, but a little bit differently.  For spring and summer times, choose a gel-based or lightweight cream/lotion that won’t clog your pores and let your skin breathe.  When you jump into autumn and winter, you can switch to rich cream formulas that would protect your skin from cold temperatures and dry air.  4. Keep Your SPF Handy If you want your skin to look young for as long as possible, you should use a cream with SPF every single day. You can even put a reminder to do so every time you go outside even if it’s a cold winter day.  “It’s important to remember that just because you can’t physically see the sun doesn’t mean it’s not there. Whether it’s hot or cold, sunny or cloudy, you should be wearing a moisturiser that contains SPF protection This ensures that your skin is protected no matter the weather.”   Adina Mahalli, Hair & Skincare Expert at Maple Holistics Unfortunately, many people forget how critical to use sunscreen to protect the skin from ageing, wrinkles, and skin-related diseases. SPF moisturiser is seasonless, so stock up on yours and remember to reapply it every 2-3 hours if you don’t want to get those pesky wrinkles ahead of time. 5. Exfoliate During colder seasons, your skin is more prone to dryness and needs to be moisturised better. That’s when exfoliation comes in handy. It helps you remove the top layer of dead skin cells and lets moisturisers work more effectively.  So, if you strive to have soft and silky “summer” skin in winter, take your time to choose the right exfoliator for your skin type.  6. Monitor Your Food Based Vitamin Intake Each season offers a lot of different fruit and vegetables full of vital vitamins, and you should most definitely take advantage of that.  “Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, so it helps to combat free radicals. Vitamin E is important if you are exposed to UV rays because UV rays can reduce Vitamin E levels in the skin. Niacin or Vitamin B3 is also effective in protecting skin from sun damage. Another important vitamin for skin health is Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an integral role in skin barrier function, moisture, and skin cell growth. Vitamin D has been shown to improve symptoms such as dry skin.”   Vanessa Thomas, Cosmetic Chemist & Founder of Freelance Formulations “Vitamin D is very good for the skin. So, in the colder or shadier months of the year, having this vitamin is really beneficial as you are still getting those nutrients you would get from the sun. If you eat lighter meals in the summer and spring, Vitamin A is found in heartier meals, so perfect for when you need the nutrients but aren't having those roast dinners anymore.”   Dr.Giuseppe Aragona, General Practitioner & Family Doctor at Prescription Doctor M.D. 7. Sleep Well There are tons of beauty products you can use to maintain your skin smooth and radiant. Yet, one of the best things you can do for it is to have sufficient sleep and avoid stress.  A healthy and balanced lifestyle should be your number one priority if you want to have a beautiful complexion and prevent premature signs of aging.  Final Words Taking care of your skin is a year-round job that you should adjust accordingly. There are quite a few environmental factors that can affect your skin during the transition between seasons, and you have to account for them when creating your skincare routine.  In a nutshell, no matter the weather, always stick to these skin care tips: moisturise, exfoliate, and use sunscreen. Invest in quality products; your skin will thank you later. Also, do not forget to maintain a healthy diet, supply your body with vitamins, and have a good night’s sleep. If you have severe skin problems or not sure what products to choose, always consult your dermatologist first. 

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Are Organ Meats Healthy? Here is What You Should Know

Are Organ Meats Healthy? Here is What You Should Know

Once a delicacy, organ meats are slowly making a comeback. Even though they are not a staple, organ meats are full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients vital for your health. If you have not got used to the idea of consuming organ meats yet, you’ll be surprised to learn that they are much higher in nutrients than traditional muscle meat. So, is it worth introducing organ meats to your diet? Read on to discover the benefits and risks of organ meats, and how you can enjoy them more. What Are Organ Meats? Organ meats, also known as offal, are animal organs that you can cook and consume as food. They usually come from cows, ducks, pigs, lambs, goats, and chickens. Although offal isn’t widely popular in Australia and North America, for centuries, organ meats have been the main ingredients in many European and Asian dishes. "Certain cultures use organ meats to add flavour and nutrients to soups, stews, and patés. Menudo uses tripe, Basque recipes serve tongue in soups, and French recipes make delicious patés." Lynell Ross, Founder and Managing Editor at Zivadream The most common organ meats include heart, liver, kidneys, sweetbreads, tripe, and tongue. Some people also eat such animal organs as intestines, brains, and even testicles (usually referred to as “oysters”.) Even if you find the idea of adding organ meats to your diet a bit off-putting, you shouldn’t overlook their nutritional value. They’re an excellent source of protein, iron, vitamin B2, and folate. What Are The Different Types of Organ Meats? While offal gets less attention than some muscle meat, organ meats have a higher concentration of minerals and nutrients than some famous superfoods like broccoli, kale, or spinach. Depending on where you live, you can commonly come across these types of organ meats: Liver Both chicken and beef livers are a great source of nutrients. For example, the chicken liver has only 116 calories, yet it contains twice as much vitamin A and vitamin B12 as the recommended daily value. Vitamin A is known to be beneficial for eye health and fighting against such diseases as Alzheimer’s and arthritis. Liver is also known for the high amounts of vitamin B6, niacin, pantothenic acid, iron, phosphorus, folic acid, chromium, selenium, and copper. So, it can be good for increasing hemoglobin levels in the blood. If you prefer beef liver more, here’s what you’ll get from 100 grams (3.5-ounces) of cooked meat:  Calories: 175 Protein: 27 grams Vitamin A: 522% of the RDI Vitamin B6: 51% of the RDI Vitamin B12: 1,386% of the RDI Niacin: 87% of the RDI Copper: 730% of the RDI Iron: 34% of the RDI Zinc: 35% of the RDI Riboflavin: 201% of the RDI Selenium: 47% of the RDI *RDI = Recommended Daily Intake   That said, no wonder why liver is considered to be the king of organ meats. Kidneys We know the thought of eating kidney meat might not make your mouth water; however, you should still be aware of its nutritional benefits. Cow kidney contains omega-3 fatty acids and is rich in protein and nutrients. It's known for providing 228% of the daily value recommended for selenium. Thus, eating kidneys can have a very positive effect on your health. They’re also believed to be good for the heart and prevent certain types of cancer. Heart Beef heart contains the most CoQ10 than any of the organ meats. It’s also rich in iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, niacin, selenium, folate as well as vitamins B2, B6, and B12. Thanks to being an excellent source of coenzyme Q10, heart meat can help prevent heart disease, improve energy levels, and slow down the aging process. Tongue Tongue meat has a little bit less nutritional value than other types of offal, yet it’s still very beneficial, especially for those recovering from illness. It’s rich in zinc, choline, iron, and vitamin B12. However, you should also remember that the tongue meat is full of fatty acids and has over 250 calories per serving. Are organ meats healthy? Even though organ meats cannot be found in every household yet, they’re sometimes referred to as superfoods. Generally, organ meats have a lot of nutrients vital to our health and have been proven to be useful for preventing certain diseases.   Organ meats also contain a significant amount of vitamin A, especially liver. Although vitamin A is critical during pregnancy, its excessive intakes can cause severe congenital disabilities. So, if you’re taking supplements containing vitamin A, you should monitor your intake of organ meats closely. Benefits of Adding Organ Meats to Your Diet Although it might be hard to get over the mental fact of consuming organ meats, they have a lot of advantages not only for your health but also for your wallet. Here are a few of them: 1. Great source of vitamins A & B Vitamin A is a potent antioxidant, and offal contains a lot of it. It can support your immune system, maintain skin and eye health as well as protect from some diseases associated with inflammation. Organ meats provide you with such types of vitamin B as vitamin B12, niacin, vitamin B6, riboflavin. All of them can help you lower the risk of getting heart disease. Plus, offal meat high in vitamin B can contribute to keeping your brain healthy. 2. Keeps you feeling full longer Since organ meats are rich in protein, they can reduce your appetite and make you feel fuller. A high-protein diet is also known for boosting your metabolism and promoting weight loss. 3. Excellent source of iron Unlike the non-heme iron from plant foods, your body better absorbs the heme iron found in organ meats. Iron is also responsible for the creating of your hemoglobin-filled blood cells. 4. Helps build and retain muscle mass Protein is one of the primary nutrients that contribute to tissue growth and repair. So, if you want to build muscle mass and preserve it, organ meats can provide you with a lot of high-quality protein. 5. Easy on your wallet Since organ meats aren’t as popular as other types of meat, you can usually find them for a much lower price. Plus, by consuming offal, you can contribute to reducing food waste. How to Eat More Organ Meats & Enjoy Them Before you start incorporating offal into your diet, first make sure you’re buying high-quality grass-fed organ meats sourced by farms that apply organic practices. It’ll make it easier for you to enjoy dishes with offal as well as prevent any risks from consuming grain-fed organ meats. Start small “There’s definitely a mental aspect to get over when eating organ meats. If ingesting organ meat isn’t part of your culture or how you grew up, trying to eat, it can turn into a mind game. If you’re just getting started, organic chicken livers are a great place to start. They’re very mild tasting and easy to prepare. Saute some garlic and onion with olive oil and add the chicken livers and pan-fry them until they’re cooked. Heart meat from cows or other ungulates (i.e., wild game) is another mild-tasting organ option. I recommend slicing thin, dredging in flour and spices, and pan-frying. Liver is the most nutritious of the organ meats, but it also has a distinct flavour and texture that doesn’t appeal to everyone. The liver served with caramelized onions is a popular option.” Melanie Musson, Lifestyle Writer for Let someone else prepare them “To enjoy organ meats, it can be best to order them from a restaurant menu. Organ meats are not like a steak or a chop -- most need some specific prep techniques and TLC to remain tender. Kidneys, for example, have a tough membrane in the centre that needs to be removed. Kidneys and sweetbreads both need to be soaked for several hours, or they'll have an unpleasant taste. Improperly prepared organ meats probably account for much of people's aversion to them. For example, when prepared well, sweetbreads are delicious (they’re my personal favourite, but I only have them at the restaurants.)”Keith-Thomas Ayoob, EdD, RD, FAND, Associate Clinical Professor Emeritus, Albert Einstein College of Medicine Don’t be afraid to experiment “The easiest way to incorporate organ meats into your diet is simply to substitute them for the meat components in other dishes. So if you enjoy eating Bolognese once a week, swap out the beef for some ground-up liver or kidney. I know it sounds strange, but you’ll be surprised by how similar they taste. I also like to incorporate organ meats into soups with other, more traditional meats. The organ parts blend in, and you can’t even tell they’re there!” Heloise Blaure, Founder of HomeKitchenLand Open your mind “The first step is simply to understand that a whole-animal approach to eating is absolutely natural and healthy and that your initial fear or disgust around organ meats is arbitrary and learned, not inherent. Throughout human history, and to this day around the world, humans enjoy, benefit from, and even covet, offal. And while some organs are more challenging to eat and have stronger flavours that may be unfamiliar, many are surprisingly mild and even decadent. Heart, for example, is just another muscle (much like your steak) and, when prepared properly, has a delicious, steak-like flavour and texture. Sweetbreads (the thymus gland of a cow or lamb) have a mild, creamy flavour and tastes delicious when fried. Chicken liver makes a nutritious and rich pâté that goes excellently on a charcuterie board. The best way to open your mind—and palate—to these types of cuts is to start small: go for chicken hearts and livers, as they’re easy to find and cook and mild tasting, and consider buying (or making your own) a combination of ground heart and beef for burgers or sausages—you’ll find you don’t even taste the organ at all, but you’re getting the health benefits all the same.”Kristin Zamani, Senior Publicist at Victory Belt Publishing Try organ meat supplements If you can’t get over the idea of eating organs of animals but still want to try adding them to your diet, you should consider supplements made from organ meats. For example, we offer a wide range of grass-fed supplements that can help you reap the benefits of organ meats without having to deal with the preparation. Check out delicious recipes you can follow using our organ meat supplements. The Bottom Line Organ meats have very high nutritional value. They're rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that might be hard to find in other foods. Including offal into your diet can help you get more nutritional value for much cheaper. Plus, there are a lot of delicious dishes you can prepare with organ meats that can satisfy even the pickiest taste buds.

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Report: How dangerous is Rugby

Report: How dangerous is Rugby

We’re taking a look at three different studies that examined what rugby sports-related injuries look like and some preventative steps rugby players can take to avoid injury. 

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Marine vs Bovine Collagen: What's the difference?

Marine vs Bovine Collagen: What's the difference?

What's the difference between Marine Collagen and Bovine Collagen? Marine vs Bovine Collagen: What’s the Difference? Collagen protein has really hit the ground running in the nutrition scene over the last couple of years. Athletes are using it to help refuel tired muscles after an intense workout, while others are turning to collagen to help support gut health, or boost the appearance of skin. No matter what reason you choose to use collagen protein when it comes to deciding which one to use, things can get a little tricky. There are so many options available, and it can make it confusing when trying to decide which option is going to work best for you. We are going to break down the difference between marine and bovine collagen, talk about exactly what you need to know and dive into why you may choose to use one over the other. What’s the Difference between marine collagen and bovine collagen? To help you better understand which option may work better for you, let’s break down how marine and bovine collagen are used, but also look at how these two are different as well.  What is Marine Collagen? Marine collagen is essentially all Type I collagen which is why so many people turn to this supplement to help support their skin as the is the exact type of collagen our skin is made of. Research has shown that marine collagen may even be beneficial for reducing signs of premature aging as well as wrinkles. (1) Our Advanced Marine Collagen makes the ideal collagen food supplement choice for anyone who avoids adding meat to their diet. Our Advanced Marine Collagen is also Type 1 Collagen which is what our skin is made of. It is also made from the skin of fish and not the scales which results in a far more premium collagen. Our marine collagen is 95% protein, contains no added ingredients, and is sourced from wild-caught cod skin, so you know you are getting the highest quality marine collagen available. Our marine collagen is also super simple to use, easily dissolves in liquid and has a high bioavailability. Lastly, if you’re wondering whether or not your protein shake is going to taste like fish oil, fear not. Since all of the actual oils are removed from the final product, you can enjoy marine collagen just as you would bovine collagen without having to worry about a fishy taste. Bovine Collagen Bovine collagen (aka beef collagen) is both Type I and Type III collagen and is most commonly used as a protein supplement for muscle growth, joint support and also  skin elasticity. As we age, the amount of collagen in our body reduces, and with the demand we put on our muscles and joints daily, it’s also important to reduce any joint or muscle pain which can also often be related to arthritis. Studies have found that collagen hydrolysate has been useful to reduce activity related joint pain and the protein content of collagen may also support better muscle and joint function. (2) Our Peptipro Collagen Hydrolysate product may help reducing activity-related joint pain and may help supports/maintains skin elasticity in women and helps to promote reduction of eye wrinkle volume and increases components of the dermal matrix    Bovine collagen hydrolysate is also rich in glycine, an important amino acid that helps support digestion, and can help with the breakdown of fatty foods while also supporting optimal levels of acidity in the digestive tract to help support better overall digestion. Glycine can also help with immune function, and can help improve sleep. (3) You can mix our bovine collagen supplement into your daily smoothie, protein shake, cup of yogurt, or even mixed into your morning cup of coffee or tea. Which One is Better? If you’re new to the world of collagen protein, and just aren’t sure where to start, the answer to whether or not you should use marine vs bovine collagen is really going to come down to a few things. Keep in mind that there’s no one straight forward answer making one better than other, what it really comes down to is personal preference, any dietary restrictions you may have, and what exactly you are trying to achieve by supplementing with collagen in the first place. Here are some things to keep in mind when selecting marine vs bovine collagen: Dietary Preference: A big thing to keep in mind when determining which option is going to work best for you has to do with dietary preferences. If you avoid meat products but still enjoy fish, then marine collagen is going to be a better option. Food Allergies: Food allergies and sensitivities will also be a big part of deciding whether bovine or marine collagen it a better choice for you. For people with fish allergies, bovine collagen protein is going to obviously be the better option here. Purpose: Deciding which type of collagen to supplement with will also come down to your reason for taking it in the first place. Marine collagen contains Type I collagen which is what our skin is made up of. Bovine collagen is Type I & III and often used for athletic performance and recovery for its protein content, may help activity related joint pain and skin elasticity. The Bottom Line The bottom line is that you really can’t go wrong when it comes to choosing which collagen supplement to add to your diet. Just be sure to focus on quality with whatever collagen product you ultimately choose. A product that is free from added ingredients and fillers, is sustainably sourced, and a company that stands behind its products is what you want to look for.  Interested in learning more about our collagen products? Learn more about our high-quality marine collagen or bovine collagen hydrolysate.

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