SUPERGREENS NUTS & SEEDS ENERGY BARS Ingredients: 1.5 cups pitted dates (190 grams) 1 cup boiling water 1/2 cup smooth peanut butter (or nut butter of your choice) 1/4 cup tahini 1/4 cup honey 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 cup coconut oil melted 1/2 cup almonds (preferably activated) 1/2 cup pistachios 1/2 cup pepitas (preferably activated) 1.5 tablespoons of Peptipro Supergreens Collagen powder 3 cups puffed Amaranth 1/4 teaspoon salt 250 grams dark chocolate (I use 70%) 1/4 cup coconut oil 2 tablespoons finely chopped pistachios for sprinkling Method: Grease a 12 x 8 inch lamington tin with coconut oil. Pour the hot water over dates and let sit for 5 minutes to soften then discard the water. Blend the dates, coconut oil, peanut butter, tahini, honey and vanilla in a food processor until a smooth ball forms. Remove the mixture from the food processor and place into a large mixing bowl. Combine the almonds, pistachios, Supergreens Collagen powder and salt in the food processor and blend until coarsely chopped. Add the nut and puffed amaranth to the date mixture and mix together with your hands. Press the mixture into the greased tray and refrigerate. Melt the dark chocolate and coconut oil in a heat proof bowl over a saucepan of gently boiling water. Pour the melted chocolate over the Supergreen slice and sprinkle with chopped pistachios and additional Peptipro Supergreen Collagen powder if desired. Return to the fridge to set. Cut into pieces and store in the fridge for up to 1 week.
GRAIN FREE FOCACCIA BREAD Makes 1 x 30 cm diameter focaccia bread Ingredients: 1. 3/4cups almond meal 1/4 cup psyllium husk 1/4 cup Peptipro Collagen Hydrolysate powder 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan salt 1/4 teaspoon of bicarb-soda 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar 3 egg whites 1/2 cup of warm water Sesame seeds to sprinkle Olive oil for greasing the tray Optional toppings: Drizzle of olive oil 2 cloves of crushed garlic Sprigs of fresh rosemary Dried oregano Kalamata olives, pitted and sliced Method: Preheat oven to 170° Celsius. Grease a 30cm pizza tray with olive oil Add all the ingredients to a food processor and blend for approx. 30 seconds to form a thick batter. Please note that this batter will remain sticky and will not roll or behave like conventional pizza dough. Scrape the batter out of the food processor onto the greased pizza tray and spread to the sides with a spatula. Level the surface as much as you can. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Place in the oven for 25 minutes or until it is cooked in the middle and the crust is crispy. Best enjoyed warm with butter or olive oil.
SUPER LOADED CHOCOLATE BARK Makes roughly 7 x 10 inch slab Ingredients: 200 g dark chocolate chopped 30 grams cacao butter 1 teaspoon of raw honey 1 teaspoon of vanilla 1 tablespoon of Peptipro Supergreens Collagen Handful of goji berries Handful of whole almonds (preferably activated) Handful of flaked coconut Sprinkle of bee pollen Method: Line a tray with baking paper. Melt the dark chocolate in a bowl over a pan of gently simmering water. Do not let water into the chocolate. Melt the cacao butter in the same way. Remove and allow to cool down a little then add the honey, vanilla and Peptipro Supergreens Collagen powder to the melted cacao butter and stir with a spoon until well incorporated. Set aside until required. Pour the melted dark chocolate onto the prepared baking sheet and use a spatula to spread it out into a rough rectangle shape. Scatter with almonds, goji berries, coconut flakes, and bee pollen. Spoon, dollops of green chocolate on top of the fruit and nuts. Add more nuts and seeds into the green chocolate to complete. Set aside to set then snap apart or use a sharp knife to chop the slab into pieces. Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.
TUMMY TAMING ICED TEA MOJITO Serves 6 Ingredients: 2 peppermint tea bags 6 cups of boiling water 2-3 tablespoons of Peptipro Collagen Hydrolysate powder 2-3 limes 1-2 teaspoon of raw honey Small bunch of fresh mint leaves Ice cubes Method: Boil 6 cups of water. Pour the hot water into a heat proof jug or large glass jar. Add the teabags and let steep for 20 minutes. Add the juice of 1 lime, honey and Peptipro Collagen Hydrolysate powder and stir with a long spoon to incorporate. Allow the tea to cool down to room temperature and then transfer to the fridge to chill. Before serving, slice the remaining limes into rounds. Place ice cubes, slices of lime and a generous sprig of fresh mint into each glass before pouring in the chilled tea. Variations: Iced tea Mojito may also be made with black tea, green tea or any other herbal digestive tea combination that you enjoy!
CACAO PANACOTTA PEPTIPRO COLLAGEN HYDROLYSATE BEEF GELATIN Serves 2 Gluten Free | Dairy Free | Refined Sugar Free Ingredients: 400ml can Coconut Milk 4 teaspoons Raw Cacao Powder ½ teaspoon Vanilla essence 4 tablespoons Rice Malt syrup 4 teaspoons Peptipro Collagen Hydrolysate Beef Gelatin Handful of hazelnuts to serve Handful of Coconut Flakes to serve Handful of Raspberries to serve Recipe: Pour coconut cream into a small saucepan and place over a low heat. Add gelatin, rice malt, cacao powder & vanilla essence - whisk to combine. Continuously whisk with slow motions for 3 minutes until there are no more lumps. Pour into serving glasses or moulds and place in fridge to set. Top with some fresh berries, hazelnuts & coconut flakes.
Makes 6 icy poles. Ingredients 2 cups coconut water 0.5 cup freshly squeezed orange juice (1-2 oranges) 0.5 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (2-3 lemons) 2 tablespoons Peptipro Collagen Hydrolysate powder 1 teaspoon fine Himalayan salt 2 tablespoons raw honey or maple syrup 1 lemon sliced into rounds (optional) Method Strain the orange and lemon juice to remove the pulp and pour into a large jug. Add the coconut water, salt, honey and Peptipro Collagen Hydrolysate powder and whisk until the honey and collagen powder are incorporated. Pour the electrolyte mixture into icy pole moulds. Add a round of sliced lemon to each mould (optional). Transfer to the freezer for a minimum of 6 hours to freeze!
Ingredients Base: 3⁄4 cup raw cashews 1⁄2 cup pecans 1⁄4 cup dried mulberries 1 tablespoon of coconut oil Peruvian Blend Filling: 1 cup of raw cashews (presoaked and strained) 1 cup canned coconut cream (leave behind the coconut water) 2 teaspoons of vanilla 1/3 cup of Peptipro Peruvian Superblend 1⁄4 cup of coconut oil, melted 1 tablespoon of raw honey 1⁄2 teaspoon of cinnamon + extra to sprinkle 1⁄4 teaspoon of salt 1⁄4 cup of dried mulberries + extra to decorate Method Base: Grease an 8” pie plate or spring-form pan with coconut oil. Blend all base ingredients in a food processor into a ne, sticky crumble. Transfer the mixture to the prepared tin and press down firmly with the back of a spoon to form an even base. Refrigerate the base while working on the filling. Peruvian Blend Filling: Soak the cashews in water with half a teaspoon of salt for 3 hours. Then drain and rinse. In a food processor, blend the cashews and coconut cream into a smooth consistency. Add the remaining ingredients and blend. Transfer the filling mixture onto the prepared base and spread to level out the top. Sprinkle with dried mulberries and a light dusting of cinnamon Refrigerate for 2-3 hours to set firm before slicing. Store refrigerated! ENJOY!
Coconut, Macadamia & Sesame Protein Muffins Makes 12 Ingredients 1 cup macadamia nuts roughly chopped 1 cup desiccated coconut 1/2 cup coconut flour 3/4 cup raisins 3/4 teaspoon carb soda 1/3 cup sesame seeds 1 tablespoon of chia seeds 1/3 cup Peptipro Collagen Hydrolysate powder 4 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla 1/3 cup of honey 1/2 cup (100 grams) coconut oil 3/4 cup coconut milk 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar pinch salt Method: 1. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius 2. Line a muffin-baking tray with paper muffin liners 3. Melt the coconut oil in a small saucepan then add the raisins to soften. 4. Grind the nuts and seeds in a food processor then add all the ingredients and process until a smooth but slightly grainy batter. 5. Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin trays and bake for 20 minutes. Store the muffins airtight for up to one week! Don't eat them all at once like we do!
Learn moreEspresso Fudge Brownie with Collagen Hydrolysate Gelatin
Espresso Fudge Brownie with Collagen Hydroylsate Gelatin ½ cup almond meal ¼ cup coconut flour 1 ¼ cup cacao 1/3 cup Peptipro Collagen Hydroylsate beef gelatin 1 cup coconut sugar ¼ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon bicarb soda ½ cup strong coffee ½ cup (120 grams) coconut oil melted 4 eggs 1 tablespoon of vanilla ½ cup walnuts for decoration (optional) Preheat oven to 170 Degrees Celsius Line 8” x 8” cake tin with baking paper Place all the ingredients (except walnuts) into a food processor and blend until a smooth creamy chocolate batter. Pour the batter into the prepared tin. Decorate with walnuts Bake for approx. 15 minutes. The brownie is best slightly undercooked. Allow to cool before slicing.
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